Toxic beliefs include thinking of food as the enemy or the fear of getting fat. Society leads us to believe that if we do not look a certain way, we are going to miss out on life. The media further feeds into this toxic belief that we are not going to be lovable or acceptable or get ahead in life because winners look a certain way, just like the movie stars or models on the covers of magazines. So we start to manipulate food because food is in the way of us winning. If every mealtime starts with stressful thoughts about eating, physiological and chemical reactions take us in the opposite direction of where we want to go. Stress tells the body to secrete cortisol, which is the main stress hormone. Along with insulin, if these two hormones are constantly secreted, they send signals to the body to store fat instead of muscle, leading to diabetes. So instead of achieving that movie star frame and winning, you are setting yourself up for failure.